원자력 계측제어

Nuclear Instrument & Control

인적오류 개선 Human Performance Optimization

  • Human Performance (HU) is a unique blend of behaviors, managing organizational defenses, safety culture, preventing errors to avoid or mitigate the impact of events and accidents.
  • Human Performance Optimization focuses on both reducing errors and managing defenses to create immunity to significant events.
    Re + Md = ØE
  • Reducing active errors (Re) and managing defenses (Md) will lead to no significant events (ØE). –INPO
  • We have develop the following three HPO Training program; (I&C)Instrument and Control, Mechanical, and Electrical System
  • Moreover, we developed the I&C training facilities to accommodate the following requirements
    • We have develop the following three HPO Training program; (I&C)Instrument and Control, Mechanical, and Electrical System
    • Moreover, we developed the I&C training facilities to accommodate the following requirements
    • FPGA based Core Protection Calculator System (CPCS)
    • FPGA based Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS)
대표자 : 정재천 사업자등록번호 : 640-07-02479 대표전화 : 02-3424-0707 E-Mail : ahum2023@gmail.com
주소 : 서울특별시 광진구 광나루로56길 85, 판매동 4층 C34호(구의동, 테크노-마트21)
[부산공작소] 부산시 기장군 장안읍 오리길 376-22

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